This is an obsolete version of our share sales page.
Please purchase your shares in Long Lands Common from our Crowdfunder page, here:
Before purchasing your shares you are advised to read our Share Offer : LONG LANDS COMMON SHARE OFFER
You may also wish to read our Business Plan : LONG LANDS COMMON BUSINESS PLAN
Each share costs £1 and we are selling them in batches of 50 (i.e £50, £100, £150, £200 etc).
The minimum investment is £50. The maximum is £37,500.
​Please choose one of the three application forms below:
applications for organisations
Or, if you wish to print out a paper copy of an application form and send it to us:
..and send it with your cheque by post to Long Lands Common Ltd, 12b Regent Street, Harrogate, HG1 4BE.
If you don’t have access to a printer please leave a message on our
answerphone (01423 560283) and we will post a form out to you.
Long Lands Common Limited is a social enterprise with the legal status of a Community Benefit Society:
The Society has been set up by Nidd Gorge Community Action to provide the
people of Harrogate & Knaresborough with a community woodland.